
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Check out Dinovember at National Library in Wellington
Looks like you are having heaps of fun down there guys! 
See their Blog for more details: National Library of NZ: Services to Schools

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love matches in the library ...

By Natalie Dias Lorenzi

Thanks to Natalie for sending this great idea for a display. Here are her comments:
'Making connections when reading is a big push in our state standards, and this display encourages kids to make text-to-text connections'.
* Natalie has listed her matches in a comment below - thanks Natalie!

By Elaine Pearson

Natalie, I loved your idea so  much that I created my own display, it was a great exercise in book selection! A lovely simple and cost-effective display - I hope it inspires the students.

Thursday, February 6, 2014



By Fran Karmann

Fran has created this fabulous display to encourage the students' reading of fantasy.
I'm sure it will also encourage us with our display-making!

Magic School Bus

By Jill Hames

Thanks to Jill for another interesting display - I love the idea of children doing their science experiments at home! Here are Jill's comments:

'We have a program where children do science experiments (at home) and win prizes. Included in the display are a bookmark to keep track of how many experiments the child completes; coloring pages; and a booklet featuring sample experiments, Magic School Bus coloring pages, and a list of all the Magic School Bus items available for check out. All the Magic School Bus items in the library are also moved to the display'.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

By Jill Hames

Welcome to the Blog Jill, hope you enjoyed looking around.
Jill has generously shared two of her displays, this one is a creative way of approaching a very serious topic and works very well. Here are her comments: 

'I wanted to keep the display lighthearted, even though it is a serious topic. I used lavender paper to wrap YA books. All the books have some form of teenage relationship. On the covers, we wrote the book's barcode to facilitate circulation. We also wrote something to do with either a positive relationship or a sign of abuse. For example, "Healthy Relationship = Encouraging each other." Included in the display are bookmarks with Internet resources to help people in abusive relationships. The bookmarks and display sign have pink roses, again, trying to keep things light so that people will look at the content'.

For more details about Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month check out the website here:  Healthy Relationships

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentines Day

By Fran Karmann
Valentines Day is fast approaching - Fran has already decorated her library to promote books from her collection. Thanks for sharing Fran, your library looks very romantic!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Top 10

By Elaine Pearson 

Hang out with the top reads!
Another way to show the Top 10 issues from your library! It's a bit difficult to see from this picture but the pegs have numbers on them. The book covers have been photocopied onto card.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


By Fran Karmann

Another eye-catching display from Fran using music-related silhouettes promoting fiction with a music theme. Fabulous Fran, thanks for sharing! 

Highway to the future

By Fran Karman

Reading is a journey, a road to discovery, and can take us to many places. I love how Fran's latest display captures this. She has used a highway as her centerpiece with themed 'road signs' and selected books about journeys.
Great one, thanks Fran!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Santa is Reading

By Adele Jones

Apologies to Adele for not getting this fabulous idea onto the blog in time for Christmas 2013 .... but there is always next year ... only 355 days to go!
Adele, from Holy Family School in Leeds is celebrating a newly refurbished library with a 'Santa story' event. I imagine the children listened very intently to the stories from Santa as misbehaving may have resulted in getting crossed off his present list!
Adele has decorated a chair Santa style and provided snacks (pretend ones!) for the man himself! The sign behind reads: 'Santa is Reading'
Thanks Adele, I hope you and all our blog readers had a wonderful Christmas.