
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

School Library Displays

By Elaine Pearson
These displays are on the main walls of the library and have proved to be popular. They are particularly effective when they are regularly added to. Students have often requested the books which have been displayed.


  1. I really like this display. I think I might be able to do something like this in our High School Library. I'm alway looking for a new idea. Some things we have done you can find @

  2. Fabulous, Elaine! And I enjoyed reading how determined you were to enter School Librarianship - fun isn't it?!!!
    I envy you having a colour photocopier but I am inventive and we do have a colour printer I can hijack. I have no budget for library displays but there is a lot you can do with a ball of string and a photocopier.
