
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Guess the Reader

By Cathy Fischbuch
Cathy Fischbuch from G.S. Lakie Middle School, Alberta, Canada has sent us this great competition idea which forms a fantastic display.
[Double click on the photo for a closer look]

Here are her comments:
'I accidently found your blog sometime last year, and I’ve been a follower ever since. The displays have given me inspiration and renewed energy towards creating theme displays for our middle school students. (That's great Cathy, thanks! - Elaine)
This year I started with a “Guess the reader” display, this involved getting our staff to cover their face (masking their identity) with a book they had read over the summer, a favourite book, or what they were currently reading. Students then tried to guess the identity of the readers. The winner of the contest got to go on a lunch hour book shopping spree, to choose books for our library. It was a great success and created a lot of interest in the library. Even the staff got involved with the guessing'.

What a fantastic prize Cathy I never would have thought of it! - Elaine

1 comment:

  1. Saw this on Pinterest and rushed right over! I love it! It'll be my new BB fo the Spring! Im your newest follower!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure
