
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hidden Library Treasures

By Suzanne E. Cucchetti
Suzanne, the Teacher Librarian from Grand Mesa Middle School, Colorado, US has sent this fabulous display of all her old treasures!

Here are her comments:
'While walking the stacks last week, I realized how many great books we have that kids have forgotten about. They ask me all the time for recommendations, so this display is sort of a mixture of books I’d recommend in each genre and also a “reminder” to the students that just because the book isn’t featured on the New Books table doesn’t mean it’s not a “treasure”.
When classes come into the library for the next few weeks, I’ll point out the display and remind kids of how to find great books that aren’t on display and give them an opportunity to add books to the display (as books get taken – my displays are always fair game).
Because the treasure chest is so cool (and it took me so long to create), the sign and the chest will travel to our neighboring high school next month and they’ll use the display there!'

Thanks very much for sharing it Suzanne. What a good idea to let other schools benefit from your hard work too!


  1. Nice topic. Its helpful both teacher & students.

  2. Hi Elaine
    I thought I would let you know that i have passed on a Liebster Award to you.
    You can read about it here
