
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Read tales of Horror

By Stephanie Trzeciakiewicz
As Halloween approaches why not take some inspiration from Stephanie's new display?

Stephanie is a Library Media Specialist in Virginia Beach and has done this timely display to highlight the Horror section.
She is in the process of genrifying the fiction section...changing it from alpha by author's last name to grouped by genres. I have never heard of anyone doing this with fiction before, it's certainly something to think about. Stephanie says it's a huge job (I bet!) but says it is already well worth it.

The closest that I have come to this idea is putting together some 'genre boxes' for classes of students to select from (just as a one-off). It's good fun and has introduced another way of looking at the collection.

Good luck with your project Stephanie and thanks for sharing your display.

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