
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Book Lovers

By Rose Humphreys

Thank you to Rose, librarian at the lovely Somerset College in South Africa, for this fabulous idea for Valentines Day. Here are her comments:

"Instead of focusing on romantic love, (which some of the students don't like as they don't have anyone special), I asked the staff to tell me what their favourite reads were/are, or what they're loving right now. I created A5 posters for them and put them up on the noticeboard, along with a Book Lovers Rule and Rock sign - that's the first 2 photos. Unfortunately our noticeboard's glass reflects too much so I tried to take photos of the 2 halves of the board with the glass open. It isn't wonderful, but gives the idea.
Inside the library I created a display of as many of the books mentioned by the staff as we have, with the two posters in the next photos.
Some of the books have been checked out, quite a few have been looked at.
The best part was the enthusiastic response from staff, and the building of collaboration".

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