By Amber McKenna
Thanks to Amber McKenna for sharing her displays with us. I just love seeing what you are all doing out there! I paticularly like the way Amber has made an old calendar picture into a relevant poster. Here is what she says:
Just wanted to say how much I really like your web-site … and thought it was about time I contributed. I work at a Catholic High School south of the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia. I’m lucky to have a couple of dedicated shelf areas in the foyer of the school library building. I challenge myself to alter them every month and try to see how quickly I can do the changeover.
On to the displays…
I saw the cutest red, with a butterfly, baby boots at my local charity shop and knew I’d found the right inspiration for a “Start your term on your right foot!” display. I grabbed a couple of posters, a number of not-used-as-much-as-they-should-be how-to books and some more tiny shoes, from a devoted grandmother who works with me, plus some more shoes my own, and I had all the elements for my display. A quick clip-art search and print-out, et voila! All for a whopping total of $2 bucks.
Some topics are planned like that one, but others are often inspired by a conversation or event during the day. My favourite of these was ‘Purple Day’ where the kids were encouraged to wear something purple on the day, t-shirt, ribbons, wristband, earrings, etc. and had to pay a gold-coin donation for the privilege of being out of uniform. The poster was just a calendar page with the white text on a transparency sheet. A quick hunt through the fiction stacks and I had more than enough books with purple covers, my cupboard yielded a purple fabric flower and feathers, and my desk had some fake flowers in a vase just waiting for me to slip onto the shelves. I love it when a plan comes together.
I just love the 'Purple' display. I am planning on 'borrowing' that idea. It is gorgeous
Tennant Creek High School
Northern Territory
Great display !
Hi im new on this board i hope i can help and give something back here because i have learned a great deal myself.
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