By Kateri Wilson
The teachers at James Young High School are good sports! Two pupil library helpers, Dionne and Michelle, came up with the idea of using teacher's heads on monkeys and convinced staff to take part including pulling funny monkey faces! Well done girls!
The books are all monkey or evolution related.
Here are Kateri's instructions:
The monkey bodies were printed off from cool-kids-craft-ideas onto A4 sheets and coloured in and the teachers heads scaled to match and glued on. The rest was done free hand, except the letters that were just printed off the computer.
She made a competition out of the display and pupils have two weeks to name all the teacher monkeys and win a book and a monkey related prize.
Super display, I think I'm going to have to pinch this idea ( with permission) love it x sue
It's not pinching - it's using best practise :)
Enjoy, Kateri
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